Understanding .Net Technology: Vital Interview Questions And Answers

Understanding .NET Technology: Vital Interview Questions and Answers

In today’s digital world, .NET remains a robust framework that powers numerous enterprise applications. For those preparing for an interview in this domain, understanding key concepts like ASP.NET, Razor, MVC, and C# is crucial. ASP.NET, a part of the Microsoft web application framework, enables developers to build dynamic websites, applications, and services.

Essential Interview Questions

1. What is a Repeater?

A Repeater in ASP.NET is a data-bound list control that allows custom display of repeated list items. Unlike other data-bound controls, it provides more control over the rendering of the HTML generated for each item. It’s primarily used for displayed repeated information in a list-like manner where layout customization is necessary.

2. Explain the MVC Architecture

MVC stands for Model-View-Controller. It’s a software design pattern that separates an application into three main logical components which are the model, view, and controller. Each of these components handles its specific development aspect. The main reasons to use MVC include support for the Test Driven Development (TDD), deep integration with other frameworks, and scalability for large applications.

3. Exploring ASP.NET Routing

The routing feature in ASP.NET is used to create human-readable URLs that are search-engine friendly. Routing provides flexibility to define URLs that are meaningful and descriptive. Understanding how to configure ports for devices like Meraki MX64 can be crucial for network management within such frameworks, enhancing effective communication between integrated systems.

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