
Your Guide To Installing Junckers Clip System Flooring

By Derek Rogers

Junckers wood flooring offers a timeless, genuine look that you can only get from wood. These solid, attractive floors are made to an uncompromising level of quality and work for any room in the home or in your business or workplace. Many colours are available and there are several different finishes.

Junckers have been using smaller logs that were viewed as unusable, saving wood and causing less environmental damage, since the 1930s – long before environmental issues were trendy. Junckers still use this process, making solid flooring from smaller wood and supporting sustainable forestry.

Junckers is a member of the Pan-European Forest Certification (PEFC), which certifies that timber is harvested according to international sustainable forestry guidelines. Junckers is working toward buying timber completely from registered growers and will carry the PEFC branding on all packaging.

Flooring from Junckers uses no laminating adhesives or insecticides, keeping volatile organic solvents (VOCs) out of household air. These floors don’t harbour dust and are perfect for people suffering from allergies. Installation is easy, too. These clip system floors go together quickly and easily, using minimal tools.

Here’s a quick guide and a few tips on installing Junckers clip system flooring in your home:

– Make sure you’re installing your Junckers clip systems wood floor in a dry, well ventilated environment. Have your flooring delivered as close as possible to the time you’re planning to lay it and don’t allow flooring to acclimatise.


– Junckers floors can be laid on most types of level, dry subfloor. That includes cement, sand and timber. Make sure that all subfloors are completely level and devoid of moisture.

– Choose underlay’s of poly, foam, or felt appropriate to your floor. Clip sizes should be chosen depending on the site conditions.

Green clips

are for areas with low relative humidity and minimal temperature fluctuations.

Yellow clips

are for moderate humidity and some temperature fluctuations.

Mauve clips

are for locations with high relative humidity that are rarely or intermittently heated.

– Allow gaps around the perimeter of the floor and near all fixed points. Fill gaps at board ends with a cork or rubber strip, and then cover them with moulding or skirting.

– Ensure that the subfloor is free of loose particles when installing your moisture barrier, then lay the first row of boards, using spacer blocks to create the correct gap between the boards and the wall. Tap the clip into the groove on the back of each board and never fix clips or boards to the sub floor. Never apply glue to long joints. Be sure that joints are staggered across the floor – adjacent boards should not fall into line.

– Remember to fit boards under door frames and architraves, allowing expansion gaps. Drill holes in boards to accommodate radiator pipes, allowing an expansion gap the same size as those near walls.

– In dry environments, heat sources can cause shrinkage. That can create small gaps between boards. In the summer, boards will be closer together and in the winter they will be slightly separated; this is normal.

– While they’re great in most areas of the home, Junckers flooring is not suited for use in wet areas like bathrooms.

About the Author: Derek Rogers is a freelance writer who represents a number of UK businesses. For wood flooring products, he recommends Completely Flooring, one of the UK’s leading suppliers of

Junckers Wood Flooring




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