Stop Sweaty Palms Treat Excessive Hand Sweating With This Simple Solution}

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Stop Sweaty Palms Treat Excessive Hand Sweating with This Simple Solution
Joey L Jones
The biggest problem of you not being able to get the right excessive hand sweating treatment to stop sweaty palms is not that you could not find the right one. Rather, it is more like the high cost of expensive devices used in the palmar hyperhidrosis largely beyond the budgets of most sufferers that sets you back. Well, while there is a will there is a way. I always advocate letting nothing stand in your solution, which is to make your own devices.
I too had excessive hand sweating since my teenage years and have been suffering from it for thirty years. Throughout this time, I have never given up looking for the right treatment to stop sweaty palms. I have consulted general practitioners, dermatologists, and neurosurgeons, and undergone a few treatments but to no avail until I chance upon the right one.
No amount of antiperspirants or over the counter medication could help stop my severe hand sweating. Hence, my severe condition warranted extreme treatments. I have had ETS surgery but the surgeon did not do a thorough job at burning all my sweat glands and hence I continued to have sweaty hands, yet I developed compensatory sweating on my torso, face and feet, a side effect of ETS surgery.
I was introduced to iontophoresis with which I eventually managed to stop sweaty palms. This is a non surgical, non invasive procedure and is proven to have no side effects. Since its debut more than 50 years ago, it has successfully treated millions of sweaty hands sufferers. Simply soak your palms in separate trays of water and connect the device. Each session takes up to 20 minutes and you need to repeat daily for one week. You will then get dryer palms. To maintain the level of dryness, repeat one session every three weeks.
But if you should feel that spending about 800 dollars on an Iontophoresis machine is truly beyond your budget, fret not, as you can make you very own at a fraction of the price. You will be able to find all materials required at the local hardware store for about twenty dollars. The result you will get from using device you build would not vary much from the commercial versions.
Yes, I have managed to stop sweaty palms within one week of using my very own Iontophoresis device. Where there is a will, there is a way. You too can get rid of your excessive hand sweating and start your journey of freedom. Good luck.
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