10 Tips For Decorating Your House With Area Rugs

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Submitted by: Greg Garner
One of the simplest, quickest and easiest ways to decorate or redecorate your house has to be using area rugs. A simple looking rug or an ornate piece with an exotic label or other type, a rug adds charm and beauty to spaces, transforming rooms into cozy corners or adding elegance to the centre piece. But choosing an area rug can be very complicated. If you are looking to invest in one, read below to find out how to choose and decorate your house with the perfect one.
To make the room look spacious: In a cluttered room or a small room, rugs in light colors and not-so-ornate designs can make the room look spacious and airy.
To make your room look cozy: Dark colored rugs or rugs with lots of ornate designs make the room look cozy and warm.
To play with the floor: In order to highlight or downplay the existing floor, area rugs are the perfect instruments. In places the floor needs to be highlighted, use small rugs in solid light hue colors. They instantly draw attention towards the floor pattern. In case the flooring pattern needs to be downplayed, select a large area rug with lots of patterns and colors.
To manipulate the focal point: Rugs can help manipulate the focal point in the room. Bold, dark and dense patterns become the focal points themselves. A light colored area rug placed underneath matching furniture can highlight the furniture. If a feature in the room is to be highlighted, downplay the surroundings by placing a subdued, light colored area rug in the line of focus. In any case, try and keep only one focal point in one particular line of direction. If the rug has to be overplayed, underplay the rest of the elements and vice versa.
To create a theme: You may want to decorate a room in one particular style. For instance, create a Persian ambiance by splurging on a Persian rug to match your antique sofa set. Or place a country style rug to match your casual furniture.
To transform the room: An area rug can change the nature and purpose of the room. A casual looking rug placed in the corner can serve as a casual point. An ornate looking rug in the centre can be a centerpiece in itself.
To create depth: Texture plays an important role on the minds of the people using a space. A different texture can have an impact on the subconscious mind. Experiment with textures, to add warmth and break the monotony.
To make thin spaces appear wide: Use a light colored area rug with longitudinal design to make hallways and other thin and narrow spaces to look wider.
To change the look of your bathroom: Redecorate your bathroom by indulging in an area rug. Match it with your hardware or the tiles or just create a brand new theme by buying the three-piece set.
To redecorate your kitchen: A well coordinated area rug can add charm to your kitchen. Not only will it save the kitchen floor, but it will also add accents to your kitchen. Consider matching the area rug with your cabinets.
Area rugs are surely an easy way to redo your house. Available in many sizes, shapes, colors, designs and prices, there are endless options available.
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